Injured? In pain? Confused about where to go for your treatment? Perhaps we can help. I pride myself on excellence in primary spine care. That means that I have the knowledge and experience to properly care for you as a “first touch” spine practitioner. In order to receive appropriate care, their must first be an accurate diagnosis, At that point, if chiropractic is the best option for you then we can go forward with that approach. If you would be better served with the care of a different practioner, I can help you with that. I have developed a “team” of professionals that are highly qualified and stand ready to care for you when their expertise is required. This includes neurosurgeons, radiologists, neurologists, physiatrists, physical therapists, TMJ Specialists, and a myriad of other pracitioners. The bottom line is that we will do everything in our power to see that you get the care that you deserve.
About me. I have well over 25 years of clinical chiropractic experience. I’m certified in both trauma care and intraprofessional hospital care through Cleveland University in Kansas City. I have taken advanced training in various areas of clinical practice, including MRI interpretation, MTBI (concussion) management, and accident reconstruction in courses certified by the University of Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine. I’m currently a Fellow in a Spinal Biomechanics and Trauma (FSBT) Fellowship with Cleveland University (KC), which is also co-credentialed by the University of Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine. I’m also currently participating in the Primary Spine Practitioner Program (PSP) at the Univerity of Pittsburgh, and I’m also beginning a crash reconstruction program at Northwestern University in January.
I’m not offering my credentials in an attempt to impress you. Rather, I’d like to impress upon you that I have the clinical experience, education, and accumen to properly serve your spinal health care needs. In other words, I am ready, willing AND qualified to serve you. Why don’t you give us a call? Or, schedule an appointment with our convenient online scheduling option right here on the website. I look forward to meeting you.
Dr. Darren Bell